Chicks with Sticks knit for Chicks on Sticks
On February 10th, 2008, the Leavenworth Winter Sports Club will be holding its annual "Chicks on Sticks" fund-raiser for breast cancer research. Angie Russell sold pink scarves at last year's event and would like to do so again this year. With participation and interest in this event growing, she needs a lot of help - and all the scarves we can whip up!
So dig into your stash and/or the sale bins at your favorite yarn shop and knit something pink. Think eyelash yarn! Think stripes! Think super-big needles! The scarves can be practical, whimsical, whatever. They'll be sold for $20 each; all proceeds will benefit breast cancer research.
Here's a link for more info:
Get your magnificent scarves to me no later than January 24th; I'll be driving up to Leavenworth on the 25th to deliver our U-Knitarian contribution.
Have fun!